Thursday, January 29, 2009


I just wanted to write and say how grateful I am to be in Boise. On Tuesday, I was talking to a friend back in Sikeston, and she was telling me about how bad the weather was there. Many inches of ice and then feet of snow on top of that! The whole town is without power!! And has been since sometime Tuesday. As I called around to check on our family, I learned that they were pretty much all camped out at my mother-in-laws house (which is totally where I would be too) because she had a fireplace. They were "cooking" on a turkey fryer that they took the basket off of and used a cast iron skillet.

I watch the KFVS12 news daily, to try and see how things are going. Businesses like Walmart and Lowes opened for certain hours during the day, and I was told that there were cops all around just to make sure no lewders or panic was happening. Supposedly we heard that there was a possibility that because the water filter system for the city can't run because no power...they might have to turn off the water too!!! Oh my goodness!!!

All the big beautiful Dogwood trees and Bradford Pear trees that can be found all over Sikeston are all gone. The ice was so heavy that it just cut the trees in half almost. It is so sad, and depressing. Its like a war zone, or a ghost town. No one can do anything but clean up their yards.

I feel so helpless and sad that I am not able to help in some way. I can't imagine not having heat..when it is colder there in Missouri than it is here in Idaho! I miss them all terrible and wish I could just bring them all out here to stay with us.

They are all in my prayers, and I ask that anyone who reads my blog, would also keep Sikeston in your prayers.


  1. Isn't it terrible?! My parents said that all the beautiful old trees on the Hunter-Dawson Site are obliterated, and the trees in the park by their house look like toothpicks sticking straight into the air. I'm so sad that this happened to our families. But, thank goodness for everyone's safety. Also, by the way, thanks for "finding" me and thank you for complimenting my son!! How are you guys enjoying Boise?

  2. Sikeston has made all the local news here in KC. I feel bad for everyone! This kind of stuff is awful as a couple of years ago, Nick and I were in Springfield with his mom during a crazy ice storm like this...she was out of power for at least 1-2 weeks. It was nuts! It really made you think if you are ready for hazardous weather/situations like that. I hope everyone continues to help out one another through all this.

  3. Poor Sikeston!! I hope they've been able to make it thru!!
