9:46AM October 29th.
I always wanted a little girl. I am grateful that I had Baylee after Graison, for selfish reasons. Growing up, I always wanted an older brother. So, I always wanted to have a boy first, so that my daughter would have the relationship with a "big brother". Things worked out perfect!!! (Unless you have met my kids and realize that they haven't quit hit that stage where they like each other!!)
Baylee has been such an addition to our family. She definitely has a little attitude, but that is just her personality and we have all adjusted to it. She has a very loving and caring side to her as well. But defiantly learning to come into her own.
I am so proud of her. She has joined the ranks of "middle school" this year and has jumped in with both feet. She ran cross country, ran for 6th grade vice president, made the dance team at school, is playing the cello, joined the chess club, and making plans to play tennis and run track in the Spring. I love that she has tried every opportunity she could.
I will never forget the day of dance tryouts. It was an all day Saturday affair. I signed her in at 10AM for her to call me at 4PM telling me they were done. I sped (yep sped) up to the school to wait outside with her until they posted the results on the door of they gym. She was up all huddled with friends, about 100 girls auditioned. I sat in the car....on the phone with MY mom. In tears, reliving the days of when I was trying out for dance and knowing that my mom was outside waiting for me. How funny how the circle continues....
While I was on the phone....my mom could hear the girls scream! Here come the results!!!! I had to hang up with my mom cause I was in hysterics!!! I will be honest, I was ready to console Baylee, telling her she could try out next year. But the look on her face.....and her yelling I MADE IT!!! Our first call was to my mom....
So, Baylee, I just want you to know that I love you. I know you will probably never log on to read this (do you even know we have a blog??) haha But to all my friends and family, I want you to know how much I love my daughter. How proud I am of my daughter. I don't think you could ever explain the bond between a mother and daughter.
Believe me I have tried!!!