Sunday, March 1, 2009



As you can see, it is 1:20AM. I am the only one awake, and I am in pain! After taking about 10 Pepto pills, I finally got up to do some research as to why I am feeling so bad. It started off as just an upset stomach feeling. Then the gas, bloating, stomach turning began. Now, it is like an acid feeling crawling UP my chest and gets worse when I lay down.

I have tried my trusty "WebMD" and it says possible heartburn, and so take an antacid. Which of course we don't have!! It also said to elevate your bed so it "keeps the flow going down". That's out of the question as my dear husband is sleeping like a baby! I don't think he would appreciate my turning the lights on and stacking books under our bed.

So, here I 1:27AM, in misery, extremely tired, and blogging!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Sissy!! You definately need to take something for that could also be acid reflux. Cory, Gage, Haylee, and Peyton have it...and it's also WAY worse when they lie down. Get some sleep!!! I love you!
